What Is NMN?

What Is NMN?

A woman wearing a tank top with earrings and tattoos is taking a supplement and holding a glass of water.

Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) is a precursor to nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+), a compound found in every cell in your body. NAD+ acts as a coenzyme, which is a compound necessary for the functioning of proteins called enzymes.1

NAD+ is involved in important processes such as energy metabolism, gene expression, and the regulation of mitochondrial functioning.2

NAD+ levels naturally decline with age due to decreased production and increased use of this important compound. This depletion may negatively impact health status during aging and may increase the risk of age-related diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease.3

Some evidence suggests supplementing with NAD+ precursors, including NMN, may increase NAD+ synthesis, which may have positive effects on overall health and aging.1

Benefits of NMN

Some research has shown supplementing with NMN, a precursor to NAD+, may help increase NAD+ levels in the body and therefore benefit overall health. However, human studies on the topic are limited.

May Boost NAD+ Levels

Limited research suggests supplementing with NMN could help increase NAD+ levels in certain populations.

A recent study including 30 healthy adults found supplementation with 250 milligrams (mg) of NMN per day for 12 weeks significantly increased blood levels of NAD+ compared to placebo treatment.4

However, both the NMN supplement and the placebo were manufactured by the corporation that funded the study, which could have impacted the results.

Another recent study investigated the effects of daily NMN supplementation in 80 healthy middle-aged adults in doses of 300 mg, 600 mg, or 900 mg for 60 days. Researchers found participants had significantly increased blood NAD+ concentrations, with the highest concentration of NAD+ found in the groups taking 600 mg and 900 mg of NMN per day.5

NMN has also been shown to increase NAD+ levels in older, overweight adults.6

Although more research is needed, these findings suggest NMN supplements could be an effective way to increase NAD+ levels in healthy people.

May Improve Athletic Performance and General Wellness

Because NAD+ is involved in so many critical processes, such as energy production, a decline in NAD+ could negatively impact the way you feel and your ability to remain physically active. Increasing your NAD+ levels by using NMN supplements may help boost physical performance, energy, and more.

The same study that investigated the effects of NMN supplementation in 80 middle-aged healthy adults also measured participants’ physical performance using a six-minute walking test. Participant’s walking distances were significantly higher in the 300 mg, 600 mg, and 900 mg groups compared to placebo at both days 30 and 60.5

The longest walking distances were measured in the 600 mg and 900 mg groups. Also, the NMN groups reported significantly better general health compared to the placebo group.5

Additionally, a study of 48 middle-aged and younger trained runners found runners who were supplemented with 600 or 1,200 mg of NMN per day for six weeks had improved measures of aerobic capacity compared with the control group. The researchers suggested the improvements in the runners who took NMN were likely due to enhanced oxygen utilization of the skeletal muscle.7

Another recent study in 65 men aged 65 and older found men who were supplemented with 250 mg of NMN for six to 12 weeks experienced significant improvements in gait speed and grip strength compared to men who took a placebo treatment. However, this study was funded by the manufacturer of the NMN supplement, which could have influenced the study’s outcome.8

While these findings are encouraging, larger studies are needed to fully understand how NMN may influence physical performance and general wellbeing.

May Improve Metabolic Health

Increasing NAD+ levels by supplementing with NMN could improve certain aspects of metabolic health, including the body’s sensitivity to insulin, a hormone that moves blood sugar into cells where it’s used for energy.

A small study of 25 postmenopausal women with prediabetes who had excess weight or obesity showed treatment with 250 mg of NMN per day for ten weeks increased skeletal muscle insulin signaling and insulin sensitivity compared to a placebo treatment.9

Some evidence also suggests intravenous (IV) treatment with NMN may help reduce triglyceride levels, but human research on the effects of NMN on blood lipids, blood sugar, and insulin levels is limited at this time.10

May Lengthen Telomeres

Supplementing with NMN may help lengthen telomeres. Telomeres are “caps” found on the ends of DNA strands. The shortening of telomeres plays a central role in the aging process.11

A study that included both pre-aging mice and eight people between the ages of 45 and 60 found 30 days of NMN supplementation significantly lengthened telomere length in both the mice and the human participants.12

Although NMN supplementation may offer anti-aging effects due to its impact on telomere length, more human research is needed.

How to Take NMN

NMN naturally occurs in the body, and it can be found in certain foods, such as cabbage, broccoli, avocado, and beef. It can also be taken as a supplement.1

NMN supplements are usually taken in divided doses. For example, a 300 mg dose of NMN may be split into two separate doses, while a 1,000 mg dose may be split into four separate doses.

NMN is available in capsule, powder, and liquid form. It can be taken with or without food.


Human research studies have used doses of NMN supplements ranging from 250 mg to over 1,250 mg.13 Most NMN supplements on the market contain around 200 mg of NMN per capsule.

Dosing recommendations for NMN vary, so it’s best to work with a healthcare provider if you have questions regarding how much NMN you should be taking for your specific health needs.

Is NMN Safe?

Based on results from human studies, NMN is considered safe.

NMN doesn’t seem to cause any adverse side effects or harm health when taken in doses of up to 1,250 mg.13

However, because human research on NMN is limited at this time, experts warn more clinical investigation into the safety and long-term health impacts of NMN supplements is urgently needed.14

Potential Drug Interactions

NMN isn’t known to interact with any medications. However, supplements that contain NMN supplements may also contain other ingredients, such as herbs, which may interact with common medications.

If you’re taking one or more medications, you should check with your healthcare provider before adding any new supplements to your diet to ensure they’re safe and appropriate for you to take.

What to Look For 

When shopping for an NMN supplement, it’s best to purchase products from companies that hire independent third-party laboratories to test their supplements for purity and quality.

Many supplement companies are certified by third-party organizations like U.S. Pharmacopeia and NSF International, which are organizations that set strict standards for supplement safety.15

Also, if you have allergies or sensitivities, it’s important to purchase an NMN supplement that’s free from common allergens such as gluten, soy, tree nuts, and dairy.

Keep in mind some NMN supplements contain other ingredients, such as herbs and other additives, that have been shown to have a positive impact on aging and other aspects of health. While NMN hasn’t been shown to interact with medications and hasn’t been linked to adverse side effects, other ingredients in NMN supplements may be unsafe for you to take, depending on your medical history and your current medications.

Can You Take Too Much NMN

Currently, there’s no set upper limit for NMN, and it’s unknown if very large doses have a negative impact on health.

For this reason, it’s best to stick to dosing recommendations on NMN supplement labels or get dosing advice from a healthcare provider.

Side Effects of NMN

Based on current research findings, NMN supplements aren’t known to cause any side effects.

That said, research in humans is currently limited. If you experience any side effects or symptoms after taking an NMN supplement, stop taking the product and contact your healthcare provider.

Also, NMN products that contain other ingredients, such as vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other substances, may cause side effects in some people. It’s essential to always read supplement labels to learn exactly what you’re ingesting.

A Quick Review

NMN is a substance that acts as a precursor to NAD+, a compound found in every cell in your body that’s involved in important processes such as energy metabolism and mitochondrial functioning.

Some evidence suggests supplementing with various doses of NMN may help increase NAD+ levels, boost physical performance, and improve certain aspects of metabolic health, such as insulin sensitivity.

However, human research on the potential benefits, side effects, and safety of NMN supplements is limited. Larger, more well-designed studies are needed to fully understand how NNM supplements impact overall health.

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